Tompkins, McGuire has long defended licensed professionals – lawyers, accountants, engineers, agents and brokers, architects and others – accused of negligence and intentional wrongdoing. Our professional liability attorneys have historically concentrated on the defense of attorneys and law firms, both through their malpractice insurance carriers and, where coverage is unavailable, independently. We have been panel counsel to some of the state’s leading legal malpractice insurers, and have vigorously fought to protect the rights of their insureds.
We have defended our clients against a variety of professional liability claims, including failure to file suit within the applicable statute of limitations; errors in the drafting of legal documents; negligence in pre-trial discovery or at trial; excessive billing; problems with settlement authority or settlements themselves; conflicts of interest and breach of fiduciary duty. Our attorneys continue to lecture on legal malpractice and are frequently consulted by their peers on issues of professional liability.